362 research outputs found

    Mixed Integer Linear Programming For Exact Finite-Horizon Planning In Decentralized Pomdps

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    We consider the problem of finding an n-agent joint-policy for the optimal finite-horizon control of a decentralized Pomdp (Dec-Pomdp). This is a problem of very high complexity (NEXP-hard in n >= 2). In this paper, we propose a new mathematical programming approach for the problem. Our approach is based on two ideas: First, we represent each agent's policy in the sequence-form and not in the tree-form, thereby obtaining a very compact representation of the set of joint-policies. Second, using this compact representation, we solve this problem as an instance of combinatorial optimization for which we formulate a mixed integer linear program (MILP). The optimal solution of the MILP directly yields an optimal joint-policy for the Dec-Pomdp. Computational experience shows that formulating and solving the MILP requires significantly less time to solve benchmark Dec-Pomdp problems than existing algorithms. For example, the multi-agent tiger problem for horizon 4 is solved in 72 secs with the MILP whereas existing algorithms require several hours to solve it

    Computing the Equilibria of Bimatrix Games using Dominance Heuristics

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    We propose a formulation of a general-sum bimatrix game as a bipartite directed graph with the objective of establishing a correspondence between the set of the relevant structures of the graph (in particular elementary cycles) and the set of the Nash equilibria of the game. We show that finding the set of elementary cycles of the graph permits the computation of the set of equilibria. For games whose graphs have a sparse adjacency matrix, this serves as a good heuristic for computing the set of equilibria. The heuristic also allows the discarding of sections of the support space that do not yield any equilibrium, thus serving as a useful pre-processing step for algorithms that compute the equilibria through support enumeration

    Comparison of Selection Methods in On-line Distributed Evolutionary Robotics

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    In this paper, we study the impact of selection methods in the context of on-line on-board distributed evolutionary algorithms. We propose a variant of the mEDEA algorithm in which we add a selection operator, and we apply it in a taskdriven scenario. We evaluate four selection methods that induce different intensity of selection pressure in a multi-robot navigation with obstacle avoidance task and a collective foraging task. Experiments show that a small intensity of selection pressure is sufficient to rapidly obtain good performances on the tasks at hand. We introduce different measures to compare the selection methods, and show that the higher the selection pressure, the better the performances obtained, especially for the more challenging food foraging task

    Markerless Human Motion Capture for Gait Analysis

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    The aim of our study is to detect balance disorders and a tendency towards the falls in the elderly, knowing gait parameters. In this paper we present a new tool for gait analysis based on markerless human motion capture, from camera feeds. The system introduced here, recovers the 3D positions of several key points of the human body while walking. Foreground segmentation, an articulated body model and particle filtering are basic elements of our approach. No dynamic model is used thus this system can be described as generic and simple to implement. A modified particle filtering algorithm, which we call Interval Particle Filtering, is used to reorganise and search through the model's configurations search space in a deterministic optimal way. This algorithm was able to perform human movement tracking with success. Results from the treatment of a single cam feeds are shown and compared to results obtained using a marker based human motion capture system

    Analysis over vision-based models for pedestrian action anticipation

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    Anticipating human actions in front of autonomous vehicles is a challenging task. Several papers have recently proposed model architectures to address this problem by combining multiple input features to predict pedestrian crossing actions. This paper focuses specifically on using images of the pedestrian's context as an input feature. We present several spatio-temporal model architectures that utilize standard CNN and Transformer modules to serve as a backbone for pedestrian anticipation. However, the objective of this paper is not to surpass state-of-the-art benchmarks but rather to analyze the positive and negative predictions of these models. Therefore, we provide insights on the explainability of vision-based Transformer models in the context of pedestrian action prediction. We will highlight cases where the model can achieve correct quantitative results but falls short in providing human-like explanations qualitatively, emphasizing the importance of investing in explainability for pedestrian action anticipation problems

    Collective construction of numerical potential fields for the foraging problem

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    We consider the problem of deploying a team of agents (robots) for the foraging problem. In this problem agents have to collect disseminated resources in an unknown environment. They must therefore be endowed with exploration and path-planning abilities. This paper presents a reactive multiagent system that is able to simultaneously perform the two desired activities~ - exploration and path-planning - in unknown and complex environments. To develop this multiagent system, we have designed a distributed and asynchronous version of Barraquand's algorithm that builds an optimal Artificial Potential Field (APF). Our algorithm relies on agents with very limited perceptions that only mark their environment with integer values. The algorithm does not require any costly mechanism to be present in the environment to manage dynamic phenomena such as evaporation or propagation. We show that the APF built by our algorithm converges to optimal paths. The model is extended to deal with the multi-sources foraging problem. Simulations show that it is more time-efficient than the standard pheromone-based ant algorithm. Moreover, our approach is also able to address the problem in any kind of environment such as mazes


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    Multi-robot exploration consists in coordinating robots for mapping an unknown environment. It raises several issues concerning task allocation, robot control, path planning and communication. We study exploration in populated environments, in which pedestrian flows can severely impact performances. However, humans have adaptive skills for taking advantage of these flows while moving. Therefore, in order to exploit these human abilities, we propose a novel exploration strategy that explicitly allows for human-robot interactions. Our model for exploration in populated environments combines the classical frontier-based strategy with our interactive approach. We implement interactions where robots can locally choose a human guide to follow and define a parametric heuristic to balance interaction and frontier assignments. Finally, we evaluate to which extent human presence impacts our exploration model in terms of coverage ratio, travelled distance and elapsed time to completion


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    Multi-robot exploration consists in coordinating robots for mapping an unknown environment. It raises several issues concerning task allocation, robot control, path planning and communication. We study exploration in populated environments, in which pedestrian flows can severely impact performances. However, humans have adaptive skills for taking advantage of these flows while moving. Therefore, in order to exploit these human abilities, we propose a novel exploration strategy that explicitly allows for human-robot interactions. Our model for exploration in populated environments combines the classical frontier-based strategy with our interactive approach. We implement interactions where robots can locally choose a human guide to follow and define a parametric heuristic to balance interaction and frontier assignments. Finally, we evaluate to which extent human presence impacts our exploration model in terms of coverage ratio, travelled distance and elapsed time to completion

    Learning Collaborative Foraging in a Swarm of Robots using Embodied Evolution

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    International audienceIn this paper, we study how a swarm of robots adapts over time to solve a collaborative task using a distributed Embodied Evolutionary approach , where each robot runs an evolutionary algorithm and they locally exchange genomes and fitness values. Particularly, we study a collabo-rative foraging task, where the robots are rewarded for collecting food items that are too heavy to be collected individually and need at least two robots to be collected. Further, the robots also need to display a signal matching the color of the item with an additional effector. Our experiments show that the distributed algorithm is able to evolve swarm behavior to collect items cooperatively. The experiments also reveal that effective cooperation is evolved due mostly to the ability of robots to jointly reach food items, while learning to display the right color that matches the item is done suboptimally. However, a closer analysis shows that, without a mechanism to avoid neglecting any kind of item, robots collect all of them, which means that there is some degree of learning to choose the right value for the color effector depending on the situation
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